
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Exploring Space with an Astronaut

This week's story was Exploring Space with an Astronaut!  This  was a fun story because there is no limit to the activities you can do with this story.  One activity I had my student's complete was a writing activity on what they thought space would be like if they could explore it. I asked them to answer these questions:
  • What would it FEEL like to visit space?
  • What would it LOOK like?
  • What would it SMELL like?
  • Would you HEAR anything?
I was surprised at how excited my kids were about this writing activity. When my kids get excited about writing I always feel like I have won. Writing can sometimes be hard to get students to do. They want to tell you ALL ABOUT IT , but they don't want to write it. After my students were finished they were allowed to color and cut out this trendy little astronaut I found here<---- . When I found this I signed up for  They have some really neat things. After they cut the astronaut out they glued it to black construction paper and drew their stars and planets with white (light colored) crayons. woo-lah! They turned out A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! And their writings??!..... IMPRESSED ME! I will definitely try this activity again next year.

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