
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A "sweet" approach to a sour skill...

     One thing I have learned in the last year or so is that teaching multiplication facts to 3rd grade students is not much fun. Seeing as how it is boring to me, it is likely just as boring to the kids. For some reason they absolutely love hate learning that small huge list of facts right? Well I was inspired by a FABULOUS teacher I work with to incorporate learning the multiplication facts into a "Sundae" theme...I added some tweaks to the idea making it to where it is used as a whole group incentive. The students have a new set of facts to earn each week. When the class has memorized that set of facts they ear a "scoop" towards a sundae. After the class has learned all of their facts the ice cream sundae will be displayed completely. It will also help to tell them once they complete it they will get to have a LEGIT ice cream sundae party (insert screaming children here). I have added this unit to my TPT store for only $5.00   
click here to buy it ! Hurry!

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