
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Big things are happening

 I have been busy trying to put together the last few things for this upcoming school year. One project I have recently completed is the small group seats made from those fabulous $3 target crates. A great co-worker of mine made some and they were so cute I just couldn't resist. They will cost a little bit of money, but I really think my students are going to enjoy them.
These are mine

These are Mrs. Mills' fabulous chairs to go along with her "peace land" theme :)
  for this project you will need:
1. 6-8 crates 
2. material (2 per yard)
3. 6-8 plywood squares  ( Home Depot cuts them to fit the crates , I got 6 for $4.01)
4. foam padding ( Joannes)
5. A staple gun ($8.88 at wal-mart)

I have read on other websites that you can get these crates for free from waffle house. It is worth a shot!

    While I was at Home Depot getting the wood cut I met a lady and her son. After having conversation about various things, which included teaching, my wood was cut and we parted ways. Before parting they asked for my number in order to get in touch with me about some school supplies. A few days later they contacted me and we met up. The two boys , Daniel (16 yrs old) and David (14 yrs old), were SO kind. They decided to gather a ton of supplied to help my students start out the year. I was so overwhelmed at the kindness of these two boys. Along with the supplies they also wrote this kind letter to my students....
and here are all of the  supplies...
I am beyond excited to read this letter to my students and show them all of the helpful supplies that were given by  these kind boys! 


Monday, July 16, 2012

Vocabulary Game FREEBIE

 This is a second grade compilation of the vocabulary words on cards ( word on one side, definition on back) They are organized by story. Just print out and laminate back to back.  Enjoy :)

 download for FREE here!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

On the horizon...

Only a few more weeks until school starts back!  Summer has flown by. Seems like last week we were packing up and leaving on the last day. In other news, I have been working like a bee trying to get all of my ideas together to make sure that I have a very easy organized first year in second grade. My main focus has been how to manage all of their seat work so that it isn't such a sloppy mess like it has been. Sadly, I really struggle with keeping their desks neat and in order. NO MORE! This year it is up to them! I know several teachers at my school  have seat work folders so I thought I would give it a try this year. Today I bought 20 Plastic Poly folders from Target for about .50 cents a piece. Whoop Whoop! It isn't exactly a steal compared to the .15 cents paper folders but I  thought about these two things:
    •  They will last so much longer. ( No sloppy ripped crunched up folders being crammed into their desks)
    • I could very well use them next year if I explain carefully that it is my property and they better protect them! :: Insert evil laugh:: 
So then began the thought process of how I could make these folders more effective and sufficient (A teacher's two favorite words).  It didn't take me long to decided I wanted it to be something that would help minimize how many times I have to repeat myself everyday..... seriously. So I created a "Checklist" to insert into a clear sheet protector and attach to the 3 prongs. So every time they get ready to turn in their seat work at the end of the week they Must go through the checklist. I tried to add things that were my greatest pet peeves. If you have any suggestions or ideas for me to add please let me know and I will add the :) Click the here to download the checklist!

Finished product...


Monday, July 2, 2012

Collaboration Nation

 So now that summer school is officially over I have been "pinterest-ing" non-stop trying to find some quick print centers and games for my new 2nd grade classroom. While doing so, I found this SUPER site. Her name is Mary and she is the author of the blog Pitner's Potpourri. She has a whole page full of center freebies. I printed, laminated, and cut them out ..... Waaa-lahhhh!

Super easy centers that are all correlated with the 2nd grade common core standards. Thats right! COMMON CORE! ahhh... the simple life :)  Go check her out!